Digital Coupons
Digital Coupons are the way to trigger your audience.
Digital coupons are a powerful tool to help you bring people into your business.
Require people to fill out their data before they’re allowed to benefit from your coupon.
Furthermore, digital coupons provide loads of insights and statistics.
Did you know Digital Coupons are the ultimate traffic generators? They bring people into your business.
Easily collect customer data by adding specific claim methods that have to be fulfilled to unlock the discount.
Furthermore, digital coupons provide you with an excellent overview of your ROI.
Why Digital Coupons?
Thanks to the rise of the smartphone, people are connected at all times. Businesses should respond to this by providing Digital Coupons to the right audience at the perfect time. This way you stimulate brand awareness, improve your reputation, and trigger conversions.
- Lead generation: Capture data of your visitors.
- Customizable: Rebrand and customize your Digital Coupons.
- Personalization: The right offer, at the right time to the right person
- Data capture: Easily capture personal data of your audience.
- Brand awareness: Add your logo and branding to the Coupons.
- Improve conversions: Stimulate desirable behavior.
- Stimulate visits: Bring more visitors to your store.
We make it easy!
One-stop solution for the creation, distribution and validation of Digital Vouchers. eCouponGenie simplifies maintaining relationships with your audience.
Digital Vouchers are quick wins. With a minimum effort you can reach immense potential.
4 out of 5 consumers say that Coupons availability affects their purchase decisions
65% of people make shopping decisions based on Coupons. 94% say it’s the most important amenity at a shop.
Half of businesses in the US acknowledges that customers spent more money when Coupons are available.
Stimulate desirable behavior by offering tempting digital discount Coupons at the right time.
3 Core values of eCouponGenie Platform
1. Whitelabel campaigns
Design wonderful digital (gamified) coupons and customize them with your brand’s logo.
2. Protect yourself against fraud
Reduce digital coupon fraud thanks to our secure digital coupon validation methods
3. Omni channel distribution
Your digital campaigns are mobile-friendly, web-based and can be embedded in various distribution methods
How to work with eCouponGenie Platform
Our Experts Designer can custom create your Digital Coupons or choose from one of the many template Coupons and completely customize it to your branding.
After Creation and Approval, We Publish your Digital Coupons within a few clicks to your favorite communication channels.
Each used Digital Coupon is tracked and Carefully mark with the eCouponGenie platform’s validation methods.
Consult your campaign in real-time and view customers statistics to fine tune your future digital campaigns.
Digital Coupon Types
Digital Coupons created with eCouponGenie Platform has the most advanced features.